Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Toulouse Lautrec and the Rubber Stamp

I spent the afternoon at the art gallery today. http://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/the_exhibitions/exhibit_the_modern_woman.html
It was interesting to see sketches. Amazing what Seaurat could do with Charcol. Truly amazing actually. I was surprised to find out that one painter actually sketched on cardboard! My companion remarked that he didn't know that cardboard was even invented in the late 1800's. One imagines the painter, desparately picking the cardboard out of the bin and grabbing charcol from the stove to create a minor masterpiece. Now that's broke! Just imagine what they might of done with modern technology and some cash.
Flash forward a hundred years or so. Here's what they could have done.

© Toulouse Lautrec (not anymore)

Yes, rubber stamps of famous paintings. I bought two, the one you see and a Gauguin stamp. It was either that or the art nouveau coasters. I am somewhat ashamed of myself. At the time it seemed like a good idea. It wasn't until I actually was inking the stamps that I felt a little uneasy about it. I  blame the Musee d' Orsay. They made the stamps. I'm still not too sure what to think.
Check out the original.

1 comment:

  1. that's a cute stamp Jody! I would have bought the coasters too, cause I'm impulsive like that.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog posts!!




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